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Interface TimelineSliderControlOptions


  • ControlOptions
    • TimelineSliderControlOptions



Optional autoPlay

autoPlay: undefined | false | true

Start playback of the timeline as soon as the page is loaded.

Default: false

Optional duration

duration: undefined | number

Minimum time, in ms, for the playback to take. Will almost certainly actually take at least a bit longer; after each frame, the next one displays in duration/steps ms, so each frame really takes frame processing time PLUS step time.

Default: 10000

Optional enableKeyboardControls

enableKeyboardControls: undefined | false | true

Allow playback to be controlled using the spacebar (play/pause) and right/left arrow keys (next/previous).

Default: false

Optional enablePlayback

enablePlayback: undefined | false | true

Show playback controls (i.e. prev/play/pause/next).

Default: true

Optional end

end: undefined | number

The end time of the timeline. If unset, this will be calculated automatically based on the timelines registered to this control.

Optional position

position: ControlPosition

Optional showTicks

showTicks: undefined | false | true

Show ticks on the timeline (if the browser supports it)

See here for support: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/range#Browser_compatibility

Default: true

Optional start

start: undefined | number

The start time of the timeline. If unset, this will be calculated automatically based on the timelines registered to this control.

Optional steps

steps: undefined | number

How many steps to break the timeline into. Each step will then be (end-start) / steps. Only affects playback.

Default: 1000

Optional waitToUpdateMap

waitToUpdateMap: undefined | false | true

Wait until the user is finished changing the date to update the map. By default, both the map and the date update for every change. With complex data, this can slow things down, so set this to true to only update the displayed date.


Optional formatOutput

  • formatOutput(time: number): string
  • A function which takes the current time value (a Unix timestamp) and outputs a string that is displayed beneath the control buttons.


    • time: number

    Returns string

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